New Clear Vision

constructive commentary for the chronically farsighted

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’

Future Tense

September 04, 2012 By: NCVeditor Category: Culture, Devon G. Pena, Economy, Uncategorized

Designer Babies, the Panopticon, and a World Without Ethics 

by Devon G. Peña

“You got to be greedy when others are fearful and you got to be fearful when others are greedy.” – Warren Buffett

Wired is often lauded as a rebellious poke-you-in-the-eye futurist magazine that brings leading-edge, outside-the-box thinkers to the reading public. However, I wonder how many people actually read the entire rag from cover to cover other than die-hard futurists, some research scholars, and men who forgot their Smartphones and are bored while sitting in the waiting rooms of the auto repair shop or a dentist’s office?

While Wired presents glimpses of technology at the edge, it is usually done without depth or analytical prowess. It is more like a snippet or PowerPoint version of Technology Review with a lot of colorful graphics and a semiotic code that could only appeal to Generation X and so-called Millennials. The magazine is therefore neither cutting-edge nor critical, at least not in the sense of any radical expository or analytical discourse; it is actually a rather staidly conservative magazine in the sense of kowtowing to established and worn out libertarian ideologies and a belief that ever smarter and better technology will save us and the world in some soon to arrive future populated by perfectly hard ageless bodies filled with square-jawed genetically engineered intellects. (more…)

Abolishing War

July 19, 2012 By: NCVeditor Category: Current Events, David Swanson, Economy, Politics, Uncategorized

Remarks Delivered at Peacestock 2012

by David Swanson

I want to thank Bill Habedank for inviting me here and everyone who’s been involved in setting up this wonderful event, which ought to be replicated all over this country. Almost our entire population claims to favor peace. At least three quarters of us favor getting the U.S. military out of Afghanistan and ending that particular war, which by the way isn’t ending. When carefully surveyed and shown what the federal budget is, a large majority of U.S. residents favors cutting huge amounts of money out of the military and putting it to better use.

But those doing anything about peace as part of a peace movement are a tiny fraction of a percent of the country. I have been lucky enough to see some of my cousins from this part of the country on this trip, and one of them referred to me as her famous cousin who speaks at events and writes books. There are others here much more famous than I within our little movement. But I’m willing to bet at least 99% of the country has never heard of any of us. Maybe the wonderful Coleen Rowley, who made it onto the cover of Time Magazine. Maybe a few others. (more…)

Welcome to New Clear Vision

December 27, 2010 By: NCVeditor Category: Uncategorized

Let’s Get It Started!

We’re launching this new blog for 2011, and here’s why:

The world is at a crossroads, and much of the news is bad. But that’s as much a matter of perception as it is a construct of the mass media. While undoubtedly many of the major issues of the day — from politics and culture to economics and climate — are seemingly in a downward spiral, it’s also true that this is a time of great innovation, community-building, and creative visioning. We respect the critical perspective that aims to deconstruct the challenges before us, yet also acknowledge that without an equal emphasis on the constructive potentials in our midst, pure critique can foster pessimism and become disempowering.

Here at NCV, our aim is to highlight the positive actions and emerging visions, from local efforts to global initiatives. (more…)

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    Since launching in 2010, we featured many inspiring writers on cutting-edge issues. In times of escalating crises, we sought to remain proactive rather than perpetually reactive, to not give more power to those who would co-opt the agenda, and to try turning visions in practice. We can critique what is and offer insights into what could be, without becoming embittered in the process. We weren't partisan, but we'll always stand on the side of those who desire peace with justice. We're not posting anymore new content as of 2017, but our archive will remain up and you can still find us on social media. We'll see you in the interwebs...
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