New Clear Vision

constructive commentary for the chronically farsighted

Our Overripe Moment

October 10, 2011 By: NCVeditor Category: Current Events, Economy, Politics, Robert C. Koehler

“The Future is Calling and Has Some Serious Concerns — Please Pick Up”

by Robert C. Koehler

It’s a Sunday afternoon, five-ish, the sun is sinking and a chill is in the air. Ah, Chicago, vibrant with culture, crime and capital, but sort of dead at this hour of the ebbing weekend. I’m downtown and I’m not sure if the future is calling, but my heart is pounding as I walk west on Jackson to LaSalle, in the shadow of the great edifices of capitalism.

At 230 South LaSalle, in front of the Federal Reserve Bank, about a hundred people are gathered in informal clusters. Signs abound, some in people’s hands, others propped against the curb or a wall: “Trillions are missing from the Department of Defense.” “Wall Street needs adult supervision.” “I am Troy Davis.” “Sick and tired and denied all benefits. I am the 99%.” Written in orange chalk on the sidewalk: “If Iceland can let banks fail so can we.” (more…)

When the Occupied Turn Occupiers

October 04, 2011 By: NCVeditor Category: David Swanson, Economy, Politics

Ending the Empire Through Nonviolent Resistance

by David Swanson

In a recent debate, Congressman Ron Paul claimed the United States military had troops in 130 countries.  The St. Petersburg Times looked into whether such an outrage could actually be true and was obliged to report that the number was actually 148 countries.  However, if you watch NFL football games, you hear the announcers thank members of the U.S. military for watching from 177 countries.  The proud public claim is worse than the scandalous claim or the “investigative” report.  What gives?

We are supposed to be proud of the U.S. empire but to reject with high dudgeon any accusation of having an empire.  Abroad, this conversation makes even less sense, because those troops and their bases are in everyone’s faces. (more…)

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